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Monday, May 23, 2011

An injured shepherdess is not particularly a happy shepherdess...

Any good shepherdess knows that she needs a staff, but two staffs and an air cast? Pleeeeease. This is too much. This shepherdess is injured and sentenced to crutches. Although I have learned many new tricks like closing the refrigerator door from a across the room when JoJo leaves it open, and pushing my stubborn donkey out of the way at feeding time, and flinging shoes into the laundry room, these stupid crutches are getting really annoying. I had decided to invent more “mom appropriate” crutches… maybe include a horn for annoying people that won’t give me enough room, and a bell for help when I need my husband’s attention (I’m sure I’d wear that one out pretty quickly), a hook for grocery bags, a handle for JoJo to “hold my hand,” maybe a retractable garbage picker upper, and maybe “stealth mode” so I can sneak around a little better.

I was at the grocery store the other day and was picking up a few odds and ends. I really have gotten fairly good at carrying things and crutching around. A lady offered to carry my things to the counter for me. I began to bristle with thoughts of being dependent and needy. I smiled the fakest big smile that I could paint across my face and said, “Oh thank you for your kindness.” Then a man offered to walk my bag out to the truck for me. It was ONE silly bag AND he opened the door for me. “Oh thank you,” I said. As I climbed in the truck and thought back on the last 15 minutes I was steamy mad… then I laughed. If I had not had crutches, I’d have been furious if no one had offered to help me carry difficult items to the counter. If I had been free of injury, I’d expect the man to open the door and get offended if he didn’t.

Isn’t that just so “woman”? My husband (and yours too) would say that we are fickle. We aren’t. The root of the problem is fear. With crutches, I’m afraid of being coddled and dependent. I feel helpless and out of control. Without crutches I’m afraid I’m not being noticed for the feminine creature that I am. Every woman is the same way. (Go ask a four year old girl if you can help her with her latest adventure, you’ll get a big fat “no” and then tears when you don’t help her with carrying a difficult object through the house). (By the way, Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge is a must read!)

So what Eve set into motion years ago, has cursed our future. You’re probably saying “Well then too bad the rapture didn’t happen on Sunday of we are all cursed.” The great thing about God is that He will you use even the most terrible and sinful act for His glory. Don’t ever forget that truth! I’m trying not to forget as I sit here with a hurting foot. I’m trying to teach my child that truth as she sits here mad that I have a hurting foot. So find balance today between being a strong, take-charge mom and being a feminine, gentle creature. After all you were made in God’s image! Find a balance as you walk this yucky, sinful earth today.

“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

“God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27